Georgia House Bill 280 - commonly known as "campus carry" - took effect July 1, 2017. A committee of faculty, 工作人员和行政代表正在制定一项战略,以确保澳门新普京注册遵守法律.

佐治亚大学系统(USG)为其机构提供了如何实施立法的指导. Students, faculty and staff should not attempt to monitor or enforce the statute. Only law enforcement personnel will be responsible for doing so. If you have questions or concerns, please contact 澳门新普京注册's general counsel or university police.

For more information on HB 280, please visit the USG website.

Checking for Dual Enrolled High School Students

It is the responsibility of concealed lawful weapons carriers to comply to the provisions of H.B. 280. Under the law, weapons cannot be carried in rooms where high school students enrolled in classes are present.

澳门新普京注册创建了一个程序,允许合法的武器携带者快速检查高中生是否在特定时间在特定教室上课. To access the process, log on to my澳门新普京注册 with a valid user ID and password at and select the Self-Service Banner tab. This will bring up the main menu. From there...

  • Click on "Campus Carry";
  • Click on "USG House Bill 280 Guidance" for the USG guidance on the bill;
  • Click on "澳门新普京注册 Campus Carry" for the 澳门新普京注册 website for campus carry information;
  • Click on "Schedule Information for Lawful Weapons Carriers" for a detailed schedule showing whether high school students are enrolled in each of the courses on a student's or faculty member’s schedule; and
  • View the "High School Students Enrolled" column for information. If the column includes a "Y," high school students are enrolled. If it contains an "N," high school students are not enrolled.

Please note, this does not indicate whether lawful weapons carriers can carry into a classroom. 它只是表示一个高中生是否在指定的时间在那个特定的教室里注册了一个班级. For example, if there is an "N" in the column for a specific classroom, but the class is in the coliseum, 合法携带武器的人不能在教室里携带武器,因为在体育馆是不允许携带隐藏武器的. Again, it is up to lawful weapons carrier to determine where they can carry concealed weapons.

USG Answers to HB280 Questions

Yes. HB 280 sets out specific excepted areas in which lawful weapon carriers may not carry handguns, and laboratories are not one of those exceptions. 只有在特定空间属于特定例外之一的情况下,才禁止在实验室使用手枪.

Yes. 在HB 280中,夏令营并没有被规定为校园携带隐藏手枪的例外. Handguns are prohibited, however, in childcare spaces, 其中包括针对18岁以下儿童的节目,这些节目位于受控入口(即通过驻扎在门口或电子装置的人员进入)后的封闭空间内,仅限授权人员进入.

Yes. 健康中心及其检查室也不例外,因为一般规则规定,合法的武器携带者可以在校园里隐蔽携带手枪. 只有在属于hb280特定例外的保健中心区域才禁止使用手枪, such as faculty, staff and administrative offices.

任何时候,手枪都禁止出现在用于校际比赛的建筑物或财产内, not just during the events. Similarly, handguns are prohibited throughout the entire facility, not just those specific areas of the facility in which games are played. The same is true of student housing facilities; handguns are prohibited throughout the facilities, not only in the specific areas where students reside.

No. HB 280只适用于“任何建筑或任何公立大学拥有或租赁的房地产”, or university … or other public institution of postsecondary education.” When students, faculty or staff leave campus for school-related activities, they will be governed by the weapons laws that apply to their off-campus locations.

No. HB 280 only applies within the State of Georgia. 在乔治亚州以外的USG学院和大学拥有或租赁的地点的人员将受该市适用的当地法律管辖, county, state and/or country in which the facilities lie.

No. HB 280只禁止在高中学生上课的房间和空间使用手枪. 它没有禁止合法的武器携带者在这些高中生在校期间可以去的其他地方携带隐藏的手枪.

No. 州法律允许合法的武器携带者携带手枪到公立学院和大学上课(高中学生入学的学校除外)。, 教职员工不得要求合法携带武器的人透露他们携带了隐藏的手枪,也不得以任何方式阻止他们做法律允许他们做的事情.

No. 选择在校园里携带手枪的人有责任让自己知道他们可以在何时何地这样做. They can learn which of their classes include high school students by asking the registrar, as can faculty members and their classmates. In fact, USG不建议教师在课堂上宣布,因为这可能会导致不同教授和不同课程之间的不一致,导致学生之间的混乱.

Yes. Faculty members can provide information by linking to the USG guidance at the website.

选择在校园内携带手枪的学生有责任妥善、安全地保管枪支. Current law already allows for the securing of guns in parked cars. lawful weapons carriers can also make arrangements for storage off-campus

Yes. The immediate situation should be handled by law enforcement, 但事后该行为可能被视为违反学生行为准则或人事制度. 这一过程应该以与处理其他学生或员工不当行为案件相同的方式处理.

No. HB 280 prohibits handguns in faculty, staff and administrative offices. 它没有赋予员工自由裁量权来决定是否在办公室携带手枪——或者允许其他人这样做.

No. 州法律只允许合法的武器携带者在校园里携带手枪,有两种方式:隐蔽携带和锁在车里. It does not allow handguns to be otherwise left unattended.